Thursday, November 17, 2011

Turning Failure Into Success

You are better than those people you admire and consider great!

Yes, Virginia.  Think of these:  Winston Churchill failed in sixth grade in school.  (Be glad you did not!)
“You’re stupid to learn anything,” said Thomas Edison’s teacher to him.  (His teacher had a foul mouth maybe  and did not know how to motivate a poor performer in the class!).

   Albert Einstein did not speak until he was four years old and did not read until he was seven. (He had  a short tongue maybe and could not pronounce a word correctly and clearly!  This condition made reading difficult.)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Mutual Funds

What is a Mutual Fund?

A mutual fund collectively pools money from individual and corporate investors. These funds are managed by a professional fund manager who invests the collected money in financial securities such as stocks, bonds, or money market instruments. The value of a share of the mutual fund, called the Net Asset Value (NAV), is calculated daily based on the fund’s total value divided by the total number of outstanding shares.

Stock Market Down, US Economy Tanking – 4 Investment Suggestions

Many people trembling about the news. Our economy plummeted 174 points this week (as of now). And that’s a great loss for our economy. The US is facing debt crisis… What do ordinary people like us do in times of this great economic turmoil?

How To Create A Paypal Account

 1.  Please go to to create your own account


Sunday, November 13, 2011

How To Start Over Again

Making mistakes is natural.  I’m a believer that it is the most inexpensive and effective school, the school of hard knocks.  Its effects might appear devastating, but eventually you will realize its worth.  We all learn from our mistakes, and learning is one of the most powerful tools to prepare us on our journey to a successful life.

People approach failure differently.  There are those who turn their back and live life with regret, while some put the blame on other people and their situation.  Most people learn from the event and move forward.

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